To save time and prevent me from typing this out 92337891347 times, I've uploaded this text file instead. In a fantasy novel I'm reading now, one of the villains possesses a massive instrument called an agonophone. It is a 274-key organ (88 keys, three keyboards each) and at the top of each pipe, a living creature is hooked up to it. The keys are made of large finger bones, and when they are depressed, a needle shoots into one of the people in attached to its corresponding pipe, and in a precise way to induce the EXACT correct note. Each pipe is tuned perfectly and a different kind of person screams each note. For an English project, I have to write two songs, with lyrics, about this book. At the start of one song, I'd like to have a nice wide agonophone, because this villain mentioned earlier plays a song on it at the start of an early chapter. How do you come into this? Simple! Send me an UNWAVERING and painful-sounding scream. I'll figure out what note it is and hopefully, if people don't overlap and I can fill in all the gaps, I'll have a nice wide-ranged agonophone! And you'll get credit, too!